Please contact us if you can’t find the information you want.

Hours & Location  this link addresses the following:

  • What are your hours?
  • Where are you located?
  • Where can I park?
  • Can I get there by bus?

What makes C4A different from other music schools in the area?

A primary goal of our school is to provide all of our students with the experience of playing with other musicians. In contrast with many traditional conservatory programs, we think that lessons should support ensemble playing rather than the reverse. To that end, we continually encourage and challenge our faculty to create new groups. Our current offerings include chamber music, classic country music, fiddling, African drumming, and western music from renaissance, baroque, and romantic periods.

Do I have to take lessons at C4A to be in your ensembles?

No!  Anyone who meets the prerequisites is welcome in our ensembles  Only ensembles for younger children require outside lessons, and those may be taken with any teacher. Adults and older kids are not required to take lessons at all.

How young/old can a student be?

Each person is different, and we acknowledge that some children really are too young to play an instrument, but if a child has a strong desire to make music we encourage parents to bring him or her in to observe a lesson or meet with a teacher.

We have never met anyone who is too old to start learning an instrument.  We recognize that older students may have limitations due to decreased flexibility but we will work with you to help you reach your best potential.

Must I audition?

No!  We believe that everyone who wants to play an instrument should be given a chance, regardless of experience.

+++++++ LESSONS +++++++++++

+++++++ INSTRUMENTS +++++++++

I don’t own an instrument. Can you help me find one?

Yes, we can help you out.  We recommend Corson Music for violin family rentals.  For other instruments or purchases your teacher can guide you.

Does C4A accept used instruments?

We are happy to accept used instruments in playable condition.  Please contact us if you have one you’d like to donate.

Does C4A rent rooms out for performances or rehearsals?

No, our studios are usually busy with lessons.