Fees and Payment Options

One blustery day in May 2023, members of the BowDacious String Band took the the streets of downtown Urbana to play for whoever happened to be around. They are busking to raise funds for the East Central Illinois Food Bank.

This page has information about fees and payment options for lessons, group classes, and ensembles.


Current Lesson Fees:

  • Individual Lessons: 30-minutes $30; 45-minutes $45; 60-minutes $60
  • A weekly half-hour lesson will average $120 per month.
  • Students may choose to pay lesson fees on a monthly basis or purchase a block of lessons in advance.

Current Shared Lesson Fees: For selected instruments, 2 or 3 people can share a lesson! 

  • Shared 45 minute lesson: $22.50 each for 2, $15.00 each for 3
  • Shared 60 minute lesson: $30 each for 2, $20 each for 3

Current Group Class and Ensemble Fees and Discounts:

  • Adult groups classes: $125 for a six-class session.
  • Ensembles: $175 for a 12-week semester.
  • Students who register for more than one ensemble in the same semester receive a discounted rate of $150 for each ensemble.
  • If two or more members of the same household register for ensembles during the same semester, they each receive a discounted rate of $150 for each ensemble they register for.
  • Students who join an ensemble after the current 12-week session has already started may receive a prorated fee to account for sessions they missed.
  • Students who join an ensemble at the beginning of a session are expected to pay the whole fee, even if they do not attend all 12 sessions.


  • Each family will receive a monthly email invoice listing lesson charges for the prior month. It will be delivered to your inbox on the 8th of each month, and payment will be due on the 18th.
  • Each family will receive one invoice for classes and ensembles each semester.  If you add something later we will update the same invoice so that your entire list for the semester is in one place.
  • Your invoices and statements will arrive via email unless you make other arrangements with us.

Payment methods: 

  • The payment site will look like this

    When you receive your invoice you will find a link that takes you to a site where you may pay by electronic check with no extra charge.

  • You may also use the same site to make a credit card payment; there is a 2.9% service fee for credit card payments.
  • You may still pay by hard-copy check, also with no extra charge. Please make it out to C4A and write the student’s first and last name on the memo line. Checks may be deposited in one of 3 drop boxes at C4A (ask a teacher to direct you to one) or mailed to us at 103 North Race Street, Urbana, IL 61801.
  • You may pay in cash! Please ask your teacher to give you a receipt, and keep it for your records.
  • You may still use Pay Pal to make a credit card payment, although we expect to phase this out in coming months. There will be a $3 convenience fee to cover our expenses for this service.

Questions about my bill:

Financial Aid/Scholarships: