Sister Organization: Dagbe Cultural Institute & Arts Centre


Request for help:

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Dagbe Cultural Institute & Arts Centre in the village of Kopeyia, Ghana, has had all of its 2020 bookings cancelled, resulting in upwards of $24,500 in lost revenue. This devastating setback leaves Dagbe without the financial resources to pay its dedicated staff during what is usually the busiest time of the year. In addition, COVID-19 has spread to Ghana, badly hobbling the economy and making it virtually impossible for staff to find alternate sources of income.

If you would like to learn more about Dagbe and help support these musicians please visit this Go Fund Me page

About the C4A/Dagbe relationship

In December of 2014 the C4A board of directors voted to form a sister organization relationship with the Dagbe Cultural Institute & Arts Centre, a community music school located in the village of Kopeyia in Ghana.

The Dagbe Centre is a community music and dance school in Kopeyia, Ghana, devoted to preserving the extraordinary musical traditions of the Ewe people that populate that region of Ghana, as well as parts of Togo and Benin. Dagbe enjoys an international reputation out of proportion with its small size: in addition to being an invaluable resource for West Africa, Western musicians and scholars travel regularly to Dagbe to learn ways to incorporate Ewe rhythmic sophistication into their own playing.