2023 Fiddle Anti-Contest

2nd Annual Fiddle Anti-Contest! 

2022 Fiddle Anti-Contestant with staff accompanist

Sunday, June 4, 1pm at Channing Murray Foundation, 1209 W Oregon St, Urbana.

The Fiddle Anti-Contest will give participants a chance to play a solo for an audience and receive comments from our judges, but we think everyone who does this is a winner, and we prefer to support each other rather than competing, so we will not rank the performances!

There is no charge to watch the contest–we would love to have everyone come and cheer on the players! 

There is a $5 fee to register for the fiddle anti-contest, and scholarships are available.  There’s a place to request a scholarship on the registration form. 

Contestants (of any age) should be prepared to play a reel, waltz, jig, fiddle rag, or other tune for traditional dancing.  Short baroque style dances are OK, but this is not the right venue for longer pieces like sonatas, rondos, theme and variations, etc.  All players should register using this online form

You may play solo, bring your own accompanist, or play with one of ours.  There’s a place on the registration form where you can tell us what you plan to do.